Insurance Solutions for Your Medicare Supplement and Prescription
Cuba Insurance Agency can assist you with your Medicare Supplement and prescription insurance needs. Learn more below, or contact Stan for more information.

If you are age 65 or older, have certain disabilities, or have permanent kidney failure, you may qualify for this federal health insurance program. To be qualified, you must be a U.S. citizen or permanent resident and be either age 65 or older or eligible to receive Social Security benefits for another reason.
Other qualifications are those who receive or are eligible to receive railroad retirement benefits, if you are your spouse worked long enough in government employment where Medicare taxes were paid, or if you are the dependent of a parent who worked long enough in government employment where Medicare taxes were paid. If you are under age 65 but have a disability, you may qualify for Medicare.
Part A – is considered to be hospitalization insurance. It covers inpatient care at hospitals, skilled nursing facilities, and qualified home health and hospice care.
Part B – is considered to be what most people think of as health insurance. It covers doctor visits and outpatient care, along with certain other Medicare services that Part A does not cover (like physical therapy). You have a seven (7) month period in which you can apply for Part B; the three months prior to turning 65, the month you turn 65, and the three months after you turn 65.
Part C – formerly known as “Medicare+Choice”, but is now known as “Medicare Advantage”. Private insurers manage Medicare Advantage plans, like HMO’s and PPO’s. To join a Medicare Advantage Plan, you must qualify for Part A & B before you can apply for Part C.
Part D – considered to be prescription medication coverage, is also offered through private insurers and covers only Medicare-approved prescription medications.
Medicare Supplement is insurance that will help to pay for medical treatments that are not covered by Medicare. You need Medicare Supplement insurance so that you are not overwhelmed by expensive medical costs.
Medicare Supplement insurance is a supplemental insurance product designed to help pay for medical expenses not covered by Medicare. Medicare Supplement insurance plans are standardized by most states so that all insurance companies will have the same basic benefits for each category of the plan. There are eleven standardized plans. Below is a chart to explain what each of these plans covers: