Comprehensive Coverage for Health Insurance
Health Insurance can be confusing. Most people have a difficult time navigating through the Marketplace and understanding which health plan is best for them to choose. Learn more below, or click here to speak with Stan about your options.

What is the Penalty for Failure to Enroll?
The ACA provides for a sliding scale penalty that starts out relatively light but rapidly increases in size. To illustrate, in 2014, the tax penalty for failure to find coverage was greater than $95 or 1% of your calendar year 2014 income.
However, the penalty escalates each year until it becomes quite burdensome. In 2015, the penalty was greater than $325 or 2% of your calendar year 2015 income. Finally, in 2016, the tax penalty for not having health coverage rose to a whopping $695 or 2.5% of your income.
Health insurance covers you from unexpected medical expenses. Moreover, health insurance coverage provides benefits when you are sick or injured. Do you need health insurance for yourself or your family?
Most Americans choose private health insurance companies in the United States. As an insurance broker, Cuba Insurance Agency works with many different health insurance companies in the U.S. This allows us to provide you with multiple insurance quotes.