Expert Coverage for Dental and Vision Care

Too often, Dental and Vision Care slip through the cracks. Contact Stan today to learn more about your family’s options.

woman getting her teeth checked

Three Reasons to Buy Dental Insurance:


Pay for Costly Care

Dental expenses can mount quickly – especially if dental work is required as a result of an emergency – so it truly pays to be covered.

Depending on the type of insurance, dental plans generally pay either all or a percentage of the charges related to dental care.

Healthy Mouth

Maintain a Healthy Mouth

Most insurance plans pay 100% for check-ups every 6 months.

Why? Because studies show regular dental check-ups and cleanings help people to keep their teeth and gums healthy.

Some dental insurance plans will even pay for a check-up immediately after new plan subscribers are approved for coverage.

overall Health

Protect Overall Health

Even if there’s nothing wrong with your teeth and gums, visiting a dentist regularly can help lead to the early detection of serious diseases.

It’s true. Just by looking in your mouth, a dentist can detect symptoms related to more than 120 different non-dental diseases, including diabetes and heart disease.

Why is Vision Health Important?

You only get one set of eyes. Take care of them.

Your eyes affect not only how you see but also how you feel. Caring for your vision can lead to a better quality of life, including:

  • Fewer headaches
  • Better performance at school
  • Less computer eye strain
  • More effectiveness at work
  • Better performance in sports

It all starts with an eye exam.

Why get an eye exam?

In addition to evaluating your vision, an eye exam can help you detect general health issues well before other signs become apparent. Early detection of issues like diabetes or hypertension means you can more easily manage them before they become bigger problems.